Volume 2011, Issue No.1, Dt. 10th January, 2011, Time: 6:13:00 PM
The Second Week of January 2011: Astronomy and Weather Scenario in Visakhapatnam
Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd. Prof. of Phys, SU} 17-11-10, Narsimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O, Visakhapatnam-530002.Cell 9491902867
Australia, Jammu & Kashmir, Gulmarg, Brazil, have experienced a weather change that has led to a rethinking in many people to understand the phenomenon of Green house emissions that are having it positive effects. Between 6th January and 9th January 2011 the weather has become very chilly then the weather at Visakhapatnam coastal area changed in the wee hours of 10th January 2011. The chilly weather has softened and the 12th morning it was pleasantly cool at 5AM. Till the 9th Jan 2011 the temperatures fell down touching 3.5degC at Chintalapudi agency area and at Lingapalli recorded 1.4degC.The Astronomy observation of the Sky has resulted in record of several prominent stars and the spectra of Venus, Moon and the Sun were obtained and analyzed. The red glow of the entry of Sun into Makara rasi (Zodiac) of India Almanac has been digit image captured and the spectra analyzed. The optical caustics produced around the moon on the 12th January 2011 at 21h42m are found to be phenomenal. The Makara sankramana festival in Sabarmati hills in India, Kerala state on the 13th January 2011 has highlighted the news of observation of a flaming light called the Makara Jyothi at 6h30mPM. The news channel reported it as observation of a star.
Keywords: Astronomy, SUN spectrum, Mutational yields
As far the weather is concerned the El Nino warming and La Nino cooling phenomenon in the tropical Pacific Ocean might alter the weather patterns. But global warming, some thought would alter clouds in a way that would depreciate the warming while majority assert that they would amplify the warming but would not help to dampen it. The Green House gas emissions by the year 2030 would show effect of an increased Earth’s average temperature by about few degC that would melt the icebergs world over at the poles. This would raise sea levels and perhaps the Mauritius islands would disappear from the Global terrestrial map. The Chintapalli agency area after about 15 years recorded 2.8degC on Tuesday 11th Jan 2011 while it was on 1966 December 1st 12 degC, and on December 24th it was 4degC .The report of Gulmarg snow scenario continues be an attraction this year while Jammu & Kashmir has only a shivering cold with no much snow fall and so it deterred the tourists to J &K state. Brazil has experienced heavy floods and many landslides have occurred during the Friday to Wednesday 12th January 2011. The rivers have brought in tons of mud that hindered the river traffic. Nova Freiburg, Teresopolis and Petropolis people and villages have got submerged in water floods.
The Great festival of India
Of the Astronomy interest, the Great festival of India, practically a thanks giving day of the agricultural crop yields and the produce storage by farmers, is that the Sun would move from Sagittarius (Dhanurasi) to Capriconius (Makara) on the 14th January 2011 at night 11h30m. But another Almanac calendar of AP says it is 11h21m on13th January 2011 and terms it as Sankramana (entry into Zodiac sign) beginning while the Makar Month begins on 14th January 2011. Some TV news reviewers give that Sankranthi festival is on 15th January 2011 since the Bharani Nakshtra fell on Friday after about 72 years. And possibly during the dates of 15th January to 17th January 2011 the expected a flame like light (Makara Jyothi) would be seen near the Ayyappa hills of South India. The Makara sankramana festival in Sabarmati hills in India, Kerala state on the 13th January 2011 has highlighted the news of observation of a flaming light called the Makara Jyothi at 6h30mPM. The news channels reported it as observation of a star.The observation of it at 6h30m means that the Sun has left the Dhanur Rasi (Zodiac) and entered the Makara Rasi(Zodiac). So SUN would now traverse the Zodiac cycle of the Universe facing the North. Accordingly on the Earth the Sun would have an apparent motion in the Northern hemisphere. This event and the subsequent few months are regarded as very auspicious for the Indians.
Already the weather being clear the Venus has been found shinning bright in the East-South at Visakhapatnam on the 12th Jan 2011 morning around 5h30m.The Sirius star spectrum showed its total blue shine on the 12th January 2011 at 21h45m.This is the first time I could record it with an ordinary digital camera. The star lying on the South of the Sirius is very bright enough to be observed (Canopus?) with a naked eye in spite of the Visakhapatnam Harbor light pollution of the Southern Sky. It forms as a “skymark” of the sky for the star gazers for many years to lapse.
An important and significant img_1635kln shows the Moon almost an exact half disc at 17h17m on the evening of 12th January 2011 just before the SUN SET. The surface topography structures of the Moon are quite vivid in the picture.The optical caustics produced around the moon on the 12th January 2011 at 21h42m are found to be phenomenal are analyzed for Intensity profiles given in Fig 14.
Of a great interest are the Sun spectra recorded with their reflections in the Bay of Bengal Ocean seashore in Visakhapatnam on the morning hours of the 14th January 2011 the first of the Three Days of a Great Festival in India. The red glow of the entry of Sun into Makara rasi (Zodiac) of India Almanac has been digit image captured and the spectra analyzed on the 15th January 2011. The Makara star has been identified just before the SUN rise by the present author on the Sea Coast beach of Visakhapatnam near the RK Mission. In the ensuing years the author feels that this finding would be followed by the Sabaramali pilgrims’ at Visakhapatnam beach itself and the crowds would gather there with binoculars and telescopes for image capturing of the neat year’s Makara Sankramana event.
Volume 2011, Issue No.1, Dt. 10th January, 2011, Time: 6:13:00 PM
The Second Week of January 2011: Astronomy and Weather Scenario in Visakhapatnam
Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd. Prof. of Phys, SU} 17-11-10, Narsimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O, Visakhapatnam-530002.Cell 9491902867
Australia, Jammu & Kashmir, Gulmarg, Brazil, have experienced a weather change that has led to a rethinking in many people to understand the phenomenon of Green house emissions that are having it positive effects. Between 6th January and 9th January 2011 the weather has become very chilly then the weather at Visakhapatnam coastal area changed in the wee hours of 10th January 2011. The chilly weather has softened and the 12th morning it was pleasantly cool at 5AM. Till the 9th Jan 2011 the temperatures fell down touching 3.5degC at Chintalapudi agency area and at Lingapalli recorded 1.4degC.The Astronomy observation of the Sky has resulted in record of several prominent stars and the spectra of Venus, Moon and the Sun were obtained and analyzed. The red glow of the entry of Sun into Makara rasi (Zodiac) of India Almanac has been digit image captured and the spectra analyzed. The optical caustics produced around the moon on the 12th January 2011 at 21h42m are found to be phenomenal. The Makara sankramana festival in Sabarmati hills in India, Kerala state on the 13th January 2011 has highlighted the news of observation of a flaming light called the Makara Jyothi at 6h30mPM. The news channel reported it as observation of a star.
Keywords: Astronomy, SUN spectrum, Mutational yields
As far the weather is concerned the El Nino warming and La Nino cooling phenomenon in the tropical Pacific Ocean might alter the weather patterns. But global warming, some thought would alter clouds in a way that would depreciate the warming while majority assert that they would amplify the warming but would not help to dampen it. The Green House gas emissions by the year 2030 would show effect of an increased Earth’s average temperature by about few degC that would melt the icebergs world over at the poles. This would raise sea levels and perhaps the Mauritius islands would disappear from the Global terrestrial map. The Chintapalli agency area after about 15 years recorded 2.8degC on Tuesday 11th Jan 2011 while it was on 1966 December 1st 12 degC, and on December 24th it was 4degC .The report of Gulmarg snow scenario continues be an attraction this year while Jammu & Kashmir has only a shivering cold with no much snow fall and so it deterred the tourists to J &K state. Brazil has experienced heavy floods and many landslides have occurred during the Friday to Wednesday 12th January 2011. The rivers have brought in tons of mud that hindered the river traffic. Nova Freiburg, Teresopolis and Petropolis people and villages have got submerged in water floods.
The Great festival of India
Of the Astronomy interest, the Great festival of India, practically a thanks giving day of the agricultural crop yields and the produce storage by farmers, is that the Sun would move from Sagittarius (Dhanurasi) to Capriconius (Makara) on the 14th January 2011 at night 11h30m. But another Almanac calendar of AP says it is 11h21m on13th January 2011 and terms it as Sankramana (entry into Zodiac sign) beginning while the Makar Month begins on 14th January 2011. Some TV news reviewers give that Sankranthi festival is on 15th January 2011 since the Bharani Nakshtra fell on Friday after about 72 years. And possibly during the dates of 15th January to 17th January 2011 the expected a flame like light (Makara Jyothi) would be seen near the Ayyappa hills of South India. The Makara sankramana festival in Sabarmati hills in India, Kerala state on the 13th January 2011 has highlighted the news of observation of a flaming light called the Makara Jyothi at 6h30mPM. The news channels reported it as observation of a star.The observation of it at 6h30m means that the Sun has left the Dhanur Rasi (Zodiac) and entered the Makara Rasi(Zodiac). So SUN would now traverse the Zodiac cycle of the Universe facing the North. Accordingly on the Earth the Sun would have an apparent motion in the Northern hemisphere. This event and the subsequent few months are regarded as very auspicious for the Indians.
Already the weather being clear the Venus has been found shinning bright in the East-South at Visakhapatnam on the 12th Jan 2011 morning around 5h30m.The Sirius star spectrum showed its total blue shine on the 12th January 2011 at 21h45m.This is the first time I could record it with an ordinary digital camera. The star lying on the South of the Sirius is very bright enough to be observed (Canopus?) with a naked eye in spite of the Visakhapatnam Harbor light pollution of the Southern Sky. It forms as a “skymark” of the sky for the star gazers for many years to lapse.
An important and significant img_1635kln shows the Moon almost an exact half disc at 17h17m on the evening of 12th January 2011 just before the SUN SET. The surface topography structures of the Moon are quite vivid in the picture.The optical caustics produced around the moon on the 12th January 2011 at 21h42m are found to be phenomenal are analyzed for Intensity profiles given in Fig 14.
Of a great interest are the Sun spectra recorded with their reflections in the Bay of Bengal Ocean seashore in Visakhapatnam on the morning hours of the 14th January 2011 the first of the Three Days of a Great Festival in India. The red glow of the entry of Sun into Makara rasi (Zodiac) of India Almanac has been digit image captured and the spectra analyzed on the 15th January 2011. The Makara star has been identified just before the SUN rise by the present author on the Sea Coast beach of Visakhapatnam near the RK Mission. In the ensuing years the author feels that this finding would be followed by the Sabaramali pilgrims’ at Visakhapatnam beach itself and the crowds would gather there with binoculars and telescopes for image capturing of the neat year’s Makara Sankramana event.

Fig 1 IMG_1602kln Moon Jupiter near stars Cloud dispersion of Moon light

Fig 2 North Stars and Moon Spectra img 1609

Fig 3 Jupiter spectrum img 1599 and 1600kln

Fig 4 IMG_1613kln Moon Jupiter Duo Hunter (Mrigasira) Sirius Triangle South Star Horizon

Fig 5 IMG_1635kln Moon half Disc Good

Fig 6 Moon from Hunter Stars IMG_1640kln

Fig 7 Venus spectra Moon Spectra with Jupiter Intensity Profiles img 1626 1614 1630 1615kln

Fig 8 IMG_1651kln Sirius Spectrum recorded

Fig 9 IMG_1656kln Moon with Aswani (Aries) till 13th Jan2011 20h54m Festival Bringi Vahana Shri Saila

Fig 10 IMG_1660kln mag view of Hunter Moon

Fig 11 Sun entering the Makara Rasi on 13th Evening at 6h30mPM

Fig 12 IMG_1667kln Sirius and Canopus Stars & near by

Fig 13 IMG_1673kln Venus and two bright stars

Fig 14 IMG_1680kln SUN spectra of imgs 1680 to 1683 Rao and Anti-Rao Quanta Evidence

Fig 15 IMG_1684 85 86 87kln SUN spectra of Rao and Anti-Rao Quanta Evidence

Fig 16 of the 12th Jan 2011 at 9h46mPM Sirius spectrum

Fig 17 IMG_1689kln Makara Bhogi Moon from Kitchen KLN

Fig 18 IMG_1693kln Several stars between Hunter and Moon

Fig 19 IMG_1698kln Moon apparoaching Rohin and Mrigasira Head

Fig 20 IMG_1707kln Venus Mercury and the Makara Nakshtra just before Sun rise

Fig 20 IMG_1707kln Venus Mercury and the Makara Nakshtra just before Sun rise

Fig 21 IMG_1723kln The Makra Sun RED color Jyothi at 6h35mon15thJan2011

Fig 22 IMG_1745kln Moon in Kritthika rasi of six stars and approaching Rohin Aldebaran

Fig 23 IMG_1746kln Moon with Hunter

Fig 24 Makara Red hue of the SUN rise digitized on 15th Jan 2011 Morning

Fig 25 the 15th Jan2011 morning SUN makara rasi spectra
The Indian Almanac
The Indian Almanac says that Moon near four stars of the Uttar(2 stars) till afternoon 4h19m on 11th of January 2011 and Purva bhadra(2 stars) till noon at 13h42m on the 10th January 2011(these total four amount to like legs of a cot Refer the Fig 6 of img-1645 taken on 12th Jan at 21h34m). The findings though corroborate the descriptions of the Indian Almanac the identifications and time of their proximity to Moon seem to slightly differ. This is the main reason why ancient Pundits were gathering once a year at Ujjain or elsewhere in India to ascertain the observation of stars and verification of their times of Moon proximity in different Zodiac signs. Hundreds of such records made have simply vanished. On 12th till evening 18h46m Moon would be near Pisces (Revathi nakshtra a collection of 3 bright stars).The img_1656 given in Fig 9 clearly shows the proximity of the Moon near three stars that have been described in Indian Calendar as the Head of a Horse i.e. Aswini. It falls in the constellation of Aries. This has occurred at 19h06m on the 13th January 2011. Surprisingly the Indian Temple at Saileswara Dam region celebrated the Day in the night on Thursday at around 19h30m, specifying that the worshiped idol of Siva known as Mallanna is kept in the Southern gate of the ancient temple in Shri Sailam. My finding would be a great contribution to reorder the Indian Almanac with the correct timings and as well to streamline many versions of the Panchang among the Indian Pundits and Astronomers. This method of study by digital imaging would naturally catch up positively and confidently with their divine worship exercises in future.
The red glow of the entry of Sun into Makara rasi (Zodiac) according to India Almanac has been digit image captured and the spectra analyzed on the 15th January 2011. The Makara star has been identified just before the SUN rise by the present author on the Sea Coast beach of Visakhapatnam near the RK Mission. So In the ensuing years the author feels that this finding would be followed by the Sabaramali pilgrims’ at Visakhapatnam beach itself and the crowds would gather there with binoculars and telescopes for image capturing of the neat year’s Makara Sankramana event. Moon has been observed with an apparent motion towards the Hunter of Orion Constellation and Aldebaran.
I am indebted to late Prof. K. Rangadhama Rao D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) for initiating me to do research studies and for his constant guidance during my professional career.
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